
Friday, August 6, 2010

Goodbye Shonan Searex

Yakyu Baka reported the other day that the Shonan Searex will be no more after this season. The Searex are the farm (ni-gun) team for the Yokohama Baystars - they are currently the only farm team that does not have the same name as their parent (ichi-gun) team (Orix's farm team was called Kobe Surpass through 2008). Generally, BBM includes cards of players from the farm teams without any differentiation from the ichi-gun team players, but Shonan players stood out since they didn't wear Baystars uniforms. Here's a couple examples - Toshiki Kurobane from the 2006 BBM 1st Version set (#323) and I-Cheng Wang from the 2010 BBM 1st Version set (#193):

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