
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Card Of The Week May 24

There was a question the other day in the comments to the Kaz Tadano post about who the most famous player in Japan with the last name "Fujimoto" was. I'm going to go with Hideo Fujimoto, even though he's list in the Japanese Baseball Hall Of Fame as "Hideo Nakagami". He won 200 games in his career stretching from 1942 to 1955 - all with the Giants except for the 1947 season when he pitched for Chunichi. He threw the first perfect game in Japanese history in 1950.

I'm curious as to why he changed his name and why he pitched one season for the Dragons. I have no idea in either case.

2000 BBM 20th Century Best 9 #125.

The other Hall Of Famer named Fujimoto was Sadayoshi Fujimoto, who managed six different teams between 1935 and 1968.

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