
Friday, May 29, 2009

Final 2009 BBM Team Sets

BBM released information on their website today about the final three team sets for the year - the Lions, Hawks and Giants.

The Lions set contains 99 cards including 71 player and manager cards, a checklist, a six card "LIONHEART" subset (featuring cards of Hiroyuki Nakajima, Yasuyuki Kataoka, Takeya Nakamura, Takumi Kuriyama, Hideaki Wakui and Takayuki Kishi - I think), a six card "shared number" subset featuring OB and current players who have the same uniform numbers, a six card "title holder" subset and a nine card puzzle. There's also the ubiquitous nine card "Shining Star" insert set and the usual memorabilia/autograph cards. There's no release date listed on the site for the set.

The Hawks set will be released in July. It is also a 99 card set with 77 cards for players and managers, a checklist, a four card "Next Generation" subset, an eight card "Kyushu" subset (I'm guessing featuring Hawks players from Kyushu?) and a nine card puzzle. And as expected there's a nine card "Shining Star" insert set and an assortment of memorabilia and autograph cards.

At 126 cards, the Giants set is larger than all of the other team sets from this year. It has 78 cards for the players and manager, two "emblem" cards (maybe actually the mascots?), a checklist card, a 33 card "Giants Pride" subset, a three card "Giants Of Tomorrow" subset and a nine card "WONDERBOY" subset that appears to be devoted to Hayato Sakamoto. Along with the expected nine card "Shining Star" insert set there is a seven card "Giants Seventh" insert set and the usual memorabilia and autograph cards.

As always, I'm trying to figure this out from the Babel Fish translations, so I may have gotten things wrong. In addition, BBM sometimes changes things between when they first announce the set and when the set is actually released, so your mileage may vary.

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