
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mighty Atom

In case anyone didn't believe me the other day about why the Tokyo Yakult Swallows were once known as the Atoms, here's some proof. If you look carefully at this card of Shiro Takegami (#058 from the 2002 BBM All Time Heroes set), you'll notice Mighty Atom (Astro Boy) on his sleeve:

(This is actually the uniform of the Sankei Atoms.)

Last year, when the Swallows wore "Turn Back The Clock" uniforms for the Yakult Atoms, Mighty Atom again appeared on the sleeve. None of the cards showing the Atoms uniforms from last year's BBM 2nd Version set show it real well (especially since the Yakult uniforms had him appearing in an oval instead of just right on the sleeve like Sankei did). You can make it out on Shinya Miyamoto's card though (#618):

Just a little Astro Boy trivia with the new movie coming out shortly.

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