
Sunday, January 16, 2011

2010 BBM Premium Malts

Another set from last fall that I'm just now getting around to talking about is the 2010 BBM Premium Malts set. This is a 54 card box set (53 player cards plus one memorabilia card) featuring the players who were involved in the annual Premium Malts old timers game last summer. Some of the bigger names involved (and included in the set) are Eiji Bandoh, Suguru Egawa, Norihiro Komada, Masumi Kuwata, Randy Bass, Yutaka Enatsu, Isao Harimoto, Osamu Higashio, Shinji Sasaoka, and Koji Yamamoto. The late Keiji Ohsawa appears in the set, as the game was held about three months prior to his death in October. Here's some sample cards of Osamu Higashio (#06), Randy Bass (#11), Shinji Hata (#43) and Shigeki Sano (#52):

It's not a bad little set and I like this year's design better than last year's. I'm not sure that I'm going to need a third one of these, however.

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