
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

kuboTEN Status

About a week ago, I got an email from Craig Wesley who runs kuboTEN. He stated that kuboTEN had outgrown what he could currently handle and he was going to suspend operations of the site until June 1. If you're a current kuboTEN customer, then you already know this, but if you're thinking about signing up, you'll need to wait a couple months.

Here's the text of his letter:

Dear kuboTEN Friends,

Due to recent developments, kuboTEN has outgrown the capacity of the
original framework it was built on. This fact, coupled with some personal
circumstances the past several months, has caused the decision to suspend
the acceptance of new and incoming bids and orders starting from now until
June 1st, 2011. On June 1st, kuboTEN bidding and ordering will re-launch
with a new website and some important new policies and practices which will
enable us to handle much more traffic while eliminating the delays and
hiccups we have been experiencing of late. I sincerely apologize for the
delays and inconveniences any of our members may have encountered in the
past several months.

For those members who have items currently in storage or other outstanding
transactions, please rest assured I will be working through the backlog as
quickly as possible and that you will receive your shipping quotes and items
shortly. For those that have entered bids in the past 72 hours which have
not already lapsed and which have not yet been entered, I will enter them
and process the orders ASAP.

I feel very fortunate to have a membership base that has been extremely
patient and supportive of kuboTEN's endeavors, and this decision was made
because I felt kuboTEN was not living up to the promise of serving its
members in an efficient manner. It is still my mission and goal to help
others from around the world experience and explore the many fascinating
avenues of Japanese culture, and I hope you will join us when we have
restructured and will be better able to provide an exceptional standard of
service and the thriving community that I have envisioned from day one.

Any members that have questions, comments, or concerns about their kuboTEN
transactions or this announcement, please feel free to contact me at I am more than happy to correspond with my members
about their kuboTEN transactions as well as anything related to Japanese
culture or technology, and this change should allow me the ability to
respond in a much more timely matter.

Best Regards,
Craig Wesley
kuboTEN Founder

1 comment:

  1. It was nice to finally get an update. The months of unacknowledged messages on the KuboTEN Community forum was really looking bad. Better 18 months late than never!
