
Thursday, May 5, 2011

2011 BBM Tokyo Big Six Spring Version

Deanna's got this pretty well covered here, but I thought I'd add my two cents about the new BBM Tokyo Big Six set. It's a 38 card box set that features five "regular" player cards plus a team card for each of the six schools and two insert cards - one of six possible "Tokyo Big Six Heroes" (active player) and one of six possible "Tokyo Big Six Legends" (former player). As Deanna mentions, it looks like the insert cards are paired up so that the two cards you get are from the same school - both my cards were from Keio, both of Deanna's cards were from Waseda, another friend of hers got both cards from Rikkio (and we know of no counterexamples). If I'm remembering my statistics right, if the cards were not all paired, the chances of getting both insert cards from the same school in one box should be around 16.7% (1 in 6). The chances of me, Deanna and the other person getting both insert cards from the same school is (I think) around 0.46% (1 in 216). So it seems much more likely that they are paired up.

Here's some sample cards. I apologize for the way the scans look - I'm trying out a new scanner and it appears to have clipped the edges of the cards. From top to bottom, that's the regular cards for Keisuke Okazaki (#28) and Shota Suzuki (#31), the Meiji team card (#24), the "Heroes" card for Hayata Itoh (#SP02) and the "Legends" card for Yoshinobu Takahashi (#SP08):

Deanna's got the full checklist of the cards and some other pictures in her post.

I ordered my set from AmiAmi. It cost 2730 Yen (roughly $33) - 1940 for the set and 790 for SAL small packet shipping. It took around 12 days to get the set after I paid for it.

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