
Monday, September 9, 2013

Card Of The Week September 8

Last Saturday, former Tokyo Yakult Swallow pitcher Chang-Yomg Lim made his major debut with the Chicago Cubs.  Lim had signed last winter with the Cubs while he was recovering from an arm injury - as far as I could tell at the time the Cubs didn't expect him to pitch in the majors this year.  He debuted in the Cubs minor league system in mid-June and ended up working his way through four levels (Arizona, Daytona, Tennesse and Iowa) before reaching the ichi-gun Cubs.  One of the batters he faced Saturday was his old team Norichika Aoki, now with the Brewers.

Here's a card of Lim from the 2009 Konami Baseball Heroes World Baseball Classic set (#W09R116):

This may be a good time to mention that as far as I've been able to tell and as far as my contacts in Japan have been able to tell, there will be no Japanese World Baseball Classic set this year.

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