
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

RIP Tetsuharu Kawakami

Hall Of Famer Tetsuharu Kawakami passed away at age 93 on Monday of this week but the story did not make the news until today.  I did a post on Kawakami a few years back on the occasion of his 90th birthday so I won't say much more here, just show some cards:

1948 JCM 2

1948 JCM 102

2000 BBM 20th Century Best 9 #T-13

2002 BBM Giants #G87

2011 Epoch All Japan Baseball Foundation Managers #01

Hmm, that's odd - that 1948 JCM 2 card of him shows him batting right handed when he was a left hander.  An uncorrected error card perhaps?

I found it interesting that both the Giants and the Eagles wore black ribbons on their uniforms in Game Four of the Nippon Series today in memory of Kawakami.

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