
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Card Of The Week September 21

I recently learned something about one of the artifacts I saw at the Japanese Baseball Hall Of Fame last year.  I saw what I thought was a plaque for Sadaharu Oh's 756 home run, but I didn't understand the significance of it:

I was looking through the mook about old Stadiums that  Ryan bought for me last year and I saw a picture of this plaque in its original setting:

This plaque had actually marked the spot in the right field stands at Korakuen Stadium where Oh's 756th home run (which put him past Henry Aaron) landed.  Of course, if I had noticed that there was an English translation on the display card in the Hall Of Fame, I would have known that - jet lag is a terrible thing (although I have no excuse for not having noticed this since I got home).

In honor of me finally paying some attention to what's in front of me, I thought I'd show a card with a picture of Oh reaching home after home run #756:

This is from the 2007 BBM Home Run Chronicle set, a box set containing the top 45 home run hitters (at the time of course) in NPB history.  Oh's card is, of course, #01.

1 comment:

  1. I wish Topps would find a way to include a Sadaharu Oh card in their products. That plaque is pretty cool.
