
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Card Of The Week October 26

Game Two of the Nippon Series was played today and Hawks starter Shota Takeda had a great game - he took a perfect game into the sixth inning before it was broken up by Keisuke Kano, pinch hitting for Tigers starter Atsushi Nomi.  He ended up with the win as the Hawks evened the Series at one apiece.  This was the first loss for the Tigers in the post-season so far.

Odd thing about Takeda - he didn't have a card in any of either BBM or Calbee's flagship sets this year.  He only showed up in BBM's assorted Hawks team sets - the pack based set and the two box sets (Celebration Of The Hawks and Futures & Legends) as well as the Brilliant Teenagers "Historic Collection" set.  He only got into seven games in the regular season, so I'm guessing he didn't make the regular rotation until late in the season.

Here's a card of him from the Hawks team set in 2012, his rookie year:

2012 BBM Hawks #H13

1 comment:

  1. That was a great game last night and a brilliant performance by Takeda. Its interesting that he didn`t have any regular cards in this year`s Calbee or BBM sets.
