
Monday, February 23, 2015

Kickstarter Campaign for Masanori Murakami Book Tour

Rob Fitts' latest book "Mashi:  The Unfulfilled Baseball Dreams of Masanori Murakami, the First Japanese Major Leaguer" will be published on April 1st this year (and is available for pre-order at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble).  Rob is planning a lecture tour this summer with Murakami to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Murakami's only full MLB season.  He's started a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to cover Murakami's travel expenses.  There are some great "thank you" gifts available for different levels of pledges starting as low as $5.  Check out the campaign's webpage for all the details.


  1. Thanks for posting this, since Mr. Fitts doesn't update his own blog much, I might have missed it. My meager support has been added! Seems kind of short, though. The Yonamine book was some 100 pages longer, though it seemed a bit padded in places with lengthy descriptions of individual at bats. Either way, I can't wait to read it!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading it as well. I'm hoping to be able to catch one of the stops on the tour this summer as well, probably one of the New York City ones.
