
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Card Of The Week July 16

Daichi Suzuki of the Marines had a pretty good game in yesterday's second All Star game (that's the second All Star game in 2017, not the second played yesterday) - he went 2-3 with a triple and a home run in the game played in his home stadium.  The Pacific League won the game 3-1 and Suzuki scored the second and third runs of the game for the PL which you would have thought would have been good enough for the MVP award for the game but the powers that be decided to give it to Alfredo Despainge of the Hawks instead who homered to provide the PL's first run.  Suzuki did get a "Fighting Spirit" award for the game along with Shogo Akiyama of the Lions (who doubled to drive Suzuki in for the second PL run and who won a "Fighting Spirit" award for the first game on Friday after leading off the game with a home run) and Seiji Kobayashi of the Giants (who homered for the CL's only run of the game - he homered on the first pitch of his first All Star at bat, becoming the fourth NPB player ever to do that).  Suzuki also lead the PL team in a on-field cheer after the game:

(H/T NPB Reddit)

Here's Suzuki's card from the 2013 BBM Marines set (#M50):

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