
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Card Of The Week August 4

I was thumbing through a bunch of team issued cards of the Baystars at Mint Yokohama (or possibly Mint Akihabara) when I came across this "card" (sticker really) of Sho Aranami:

I don't know a whole lot about this sticker but I'm pretty sure it's not a Baystars team issue.  It looks a lot like a Lotte Bikkuriman sticker but I'm pretty sure those haven't been made since 2008 (and Aranami didn't join the Baystars until the 2010 draft).  I had originally thought it was from 2012 as it couldn't be from earlier than that since DeNA didn't own the Baystars until then and Ryan had seen a similar sticker of Hiroki Kokubo that year.  But I just now realized the back has his age (28) on it.  Conveniently Aranami's birthday is in January so it's obvious the sticker is from 2014.

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