
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Card Of The Week July 26

There's been a couple fun events in the past few days and I couldn't decide which one to feature today so I decided to do all of them...

Friday night in Yokohama the Carp had a 6-4 lead over the Baystars going into the bottom of the ninth.  It was 6-5 with one out when Keita Sano stepped to the plate with the bases loaded:

This was actually the first of two walk off grand slams on Friday as Matt Olson of the Athletics hit one to beat the Angels 7-3 in ten innings.

The two new Japanese MLB position players made their debuts on Friday with Shogo Akiyama getting a pinch hit single in his first at bat and Yoshitomu Tsutsugoh (Sano's predecessor as Baystars Team Captain) doing this in his third plate appearance:

Finally yesterday in Sendai, Yuma Mune of Orix hit a fly ball to deep right that Jabari Blash slammed into the fence while trying to catch.  Blash fell to the ground, the ball bounced away and Mune kept running:

Blash was unhurt.  Mune's first home run of the season put the Buffaloes ahead 4-3 in the top of the ninth and they went on to beat the Eagles 6-3.

Here are team issued/fan club issued cards for all three of these players:

2019 Baystars Team Issued Set #44

2016 Baystars Team Issued Card

2015 Orix Players Card #6

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