
Sunday, November 15, 2020

Card Of The Week November 15

 The 2020 NPB regular season drew to a close yesterday.  There have been two managerial changes already announced.  The Rakuten Golden Eagles announced that Hajime Miki would be going back to his old job as farm team manager and that General Manager Kazuhisa Ishii would take over as manager (H/T NPB Reddit)*.  Miki is now the fourth guy to manage the Eagles for just a single season in the 16 years the team has existed (Yasushi Tao 2005, Marty Brown 2010 and Hiromoto Ohkubo 2015 - I assume the next one will be in 2025).  Ishii had a 22 year career with the Swallows (1992-2001, 2006-07), the Dodgers (2002-04), the Mets (2005) and the Lions (2008-13).  He's been the Eagles GM since August of 2018.

*The article incorrectly states that the Eagles didn't make the playoffs last year.

Additionally it appears that the rumors that Daisuke Miura would be the new Baystars were true and he's expected to be formally announced soon, now that Alex Ramirez managed his last game.  Miura pitched for the Baystars from 1992 to 2016 - he was actually the final active Yokohama Taiyo Whale.  We should have seen this coming.  After all his nickname was "Hama no Banchō" and now he really is the boss of [Yoko]Hama.

Here are cards of both new managers back when they were players:

2001 Calbee #069

2013 Front Runner Baystars Season Summary #15

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