
Monday, March 30, 2020

Blog Bat Around - My Projects Updated (again)

A couple of years ago I took part in a Blog Bat Around started by Night Owls Cards by doing a post in which I listed the various projects I was working on.  I did an update around this time last year so I decided to do another quick update now.  For simplicity's sake I've removed any projects that I had listed in the first post but completed by the second post.

1978 Yamakatsu JY6 set

Still need the Koichi Tabuchi card from this set.  I was hoping that Tabuchi's election to the Hall Of Fame might encourage some new listings on Yahoo! Japan Auctions but no luck so far.

2017 Topps Now WBC set

I actually was able to get two of three cards I needed from this set for high but not sky-high prices - around $30 each.  The final one (a Didi Gregorius card) has eluded me.  There's a seller listing it on Ebay for the insane "Buy-It-Now" price of $19,999.  Needless to say, I'm not spending that much on it - even if I had an extra 20 grand sitting around.  I've offered him $40 but he's declined.

2009 Konami WBC Inserts

Didn't make a lot of progress on this one.  Ryan found me one of the the "All Tournament Team" cards but I still need seven more plus one of the "Special" cards.

2003-06 BBM Rookie Edition sets

This one is done!  I was able to pick up most of the cards last year in Japan and Ryan just sent me the last one I needed.

2017 Topps TBT WBC cards

No change - still need the Alex Bregman and Carlos Correa cards.

1994-2000 BBM flagship sets

Between hitting card shops in Japan and having Ryan look for stuff for me I did really well here.  I completed the 1997 set and I'm down to needing just 2 cards for the 1994 set, 1 each for the 1998 and 2000 sets and 14 for the 1999 set.  I need about 50 for the 1996 which is not out of the realm of possibility.  I finally put together a want list for the 1995 set and I need something like 300 cards, some of which are rare short printed cards.  I don't think I'll ever seriously attempt to finish the 1995 set but I'm will probably make an attempt to get most of the regular,  non-short printed cards.  Just need to get that list transferred from to my Want List.

1999 Teleca Sets

Still one card away from completing the 1999 Teleca regular set.

2000 Teleca "'99 Korea Japan Super Games" insert set

Absolutely no change - still need 24 cards.

2001 BBM Tigers set

Ryan found five of the six cards I needed before I got to Japan last year but I've had absolutely no luck tracking down the final card.

2004 BBM 1st Version 2003 Asian Championship insert set

This is another project that I made a lot of progress on in Japan - I tracked down 12 of the 16 cards I needed.  Ryan found me another one so I only need three more.

1999 Teleca Premium Korean Dream Team insert set

This was a bit frustrating.  Last year at this time I thought I needed three cards.  Dan gave me one of them when I met up with him in Tokyo so I should have been down to two.  However I discovered from the checklist for the set on that there's an unnumbered title card for the set that I hadn't know about.  So I still need three cards.

2000 Teleca set

No change - I still need 44 cards from this set.  

I haven't gotten really serious about adding any other projects.  I'd like to get the rest of the non-promo baseball SCM cards but I haven't made up a want list.  I'm just one card away from finishing the 2019 Epoch Giants 85th Anniversary set but that's because Dan gave me most of the set already.  I'd like to fill in the gaps of my BBM team sets collection with a handful of cards from each set I don't have cards from but I haven't really thought through the best way to do that (other than another trip to Japan).  I also kick around the idea of completing the four BBM "Historic Collection" sets from 2003 to 2006 ("Sluggers", "Golden Arms", "Glorious Stars" and "Record Makers") - the only ones that I don't have complete sets for.  I'm also interested in possibly getting more "Weekly Baseball" and "Baseball Magazine" cards.


  1. I'll keep an eye out for that Yamakatsu Tabuchi card for you. I'm one short of the set too (Shibata)

  2. I think we've both been one card short of completing that set for a while now.
