
Sunday, March 12, 2023

Card Of The Week March 12

Korea has been a bit of a disappointment in the World Baseball Classic so far, having unexpectedly lost to Australia on Thursday and getting blown out by Japan on Friday but there's been one minor highlight - Lee Jong-beom and Lee Jung-hoo have become the first ever father-son combination to play in the WBC.  Lee the elder (the "Son Of The Wind") hit .400 in the 2006 Classic while Lee the younger (the "Grandson Of The Wind") is currently hitting .333 and has at least one more game left.

The Lee's will probably not be the last father-son pair.  Ivan Rodriguez's son Dereck is on the Puerto Rico roster and Paul Quantril's son Cal is on the Canadian roster although neither has appeared in the Classic yet (as I write this, Canada hasn't played yet).  The younger Rodriguez was in Puerto Rico's Designated Pitchers Pool for the 2017 WBC but didn't actually appear in any games.  (H/T this tweet from @rainichi_ball.)

No WBC cards for Lee Jung-hoo yet but his father had seven in the various Upper Deck WBC issues from 2006 plus three memorabilia cards.  Here's a WBC card of the father and a KBO card of the son:

2006 Upper Deck World Baseball Classic Box Set #35

2017 SCC KBO #SCC-01-NX18/N

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