
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Card Of The Week February 26

 P-Town Tom of Waiting 'Til Next Year used to run an annual contest for bloggers to pick their favorite cards for the year.  I participated in the 2017 and 2018 contests and picked a card for 2019 even though Tom wasn't doing the contest anymore.  I hadn't really thought too much about it the past couple years but yesterday I received a large box of cards from Ryan which included a whole bunch of Epoch One cards from last year.  In that batch I came across a card that I had forgotten that I'd asked him to pick up for me but instantly became my favorite card from last year:

2022 Epoch One #667

This card show Munetaka Murakami hitting his 41st home run of last season against the Baystars.  It was also his 100th RBI of the season.  I really like the way this photo looks with the Jingu Stadium stands behind him and what looks like a sunset in the background.

I've revamped my page for the Epoch One checklists.  Instead of having a separate table for each year, I've simply linked to my Google sheets document that I've used to build the checklists.  Well, built the 2018-20 checklists - the 2021 and 2022 checklists were actually done by Jason for TCDB.  I just did a little massaging to them (and my massaging of the 2022 one is still a work in progress).  One thing I've been able to do is to determine the player who had the most cards in each year's Epoch One set - Murakami had 50(!) last year.

I'll be doing a bunch of posts on the cards that Ryan sent me over the next couple weeks.

1 comment:

  1. That is a really nice photo on that card (which sadly is how I know, without reading the maker's name, that it isn't a Calbee card....)
