I wanted to a quick post about my most recent pickups from COMC. As usual it involved several mid-70's Calbees but there were some more recent cards as well.
We'll start with this card of Akihiko Ohya as I'm always a sucker for a good Yakult Atoms card:
1973/74 Calbee #194 |
This Dragons card is kind of interesting as there's four guys on the card but Engel's Guide only lists three of them. From left to right that's Kinji Shimatani, Morimichi Takagi, Senichi Hoshino and Kenichi Yazawa. All four are labeled on the card but Yazawa's missing from the Guide:
1974/75 Calbee #78 |
I don't see cards showing Nippon-Ham's away uniforms from 1974 very often so I thought I should grab this Isao Harimoto card:
1974/75 Calbee #248 |
I picked up two more cards for The Florida Project although I'm still not committing myself to trying to get all of them. These are both cards of Shigeo Nagashima:
1974/75 Calbee #704 |
1974/75 Calbee #714 |
I also picked up one of the "Rivals" cards from the 1975/76/77 Calbee set. That's Harimoto (now with the Giants) on the left and Tsutomu Wakamatsu of the Yakult Swallows on the right:
1975/76/77 Calbee #1409 |
Let's jump ahead 46 years to this Star card of Roki Sasaki from the 2023 Calbee Series One set:
2023 Calbee #S-10 |
Besides the Calbees, I also picked up a couple cards from Konami's 2023 Baseball Collection. These are from a collectible card game and I think these are rare cards that are more powerful than the regular cards although I don't know any of the details:
2023 Konami Baseball Collection #2022C4-SR-S005-00 |
2023 Konami Baseball Collection #2022CO-P-DB-006-00 |
The last card I picked up was this 1958 style insert from last year's Topps NPB set:
2022 Topps NPB "1958" #58-13 |