I wanted to do a somewhat quick post about a bunch of random cards that I picked up on the trip. Most of these were cards on
my want list (which is much smaller now than before I left).
There were nine BBM team sets from between 2003 and 2007 that I was trying to complete. I had gotten unopened boxes for most of them back in the day and decided a few years ago to get the cards I had missed on them. I ended up completing six of them (2003 Giants, 2004 Baystars, 2005 Dragons & Swallows, and 2006 Swallows & Tigers) and reducing the number of cards I needed for two of the other sets to two each (2004 Giants & Tigers). I had only needed one card from the 2007 Tigers set but it eluded me. I'm not going to show all the cards I got from these sets but here's a single card from each:
2003 BBM Giants #036 |
2004 BBM Baystars #YB58 |
2004 BBM Giants #G45 |
2004 BBM Tigers #T36 |
2005 BBM Dragons #D59 |
2005 BBM Swallows #S78 |
2006 BBM Swallows #TY44 |
2006 BBM Tigers #053 |
I got most of these at either Bits in Nagoya or Mint Hakata in Fukuoka. I had looked at Quad Sports but didn't find anything on my want list -
Ryan eventually pointed out that he had already searched my want list there!
I had compiled a list a few months back of all the guys who had appeared
in BBM's high end sets (Diamond Heroes, Touch The Game and Genesis) without having in the same year's flagship set. I decided that I didn't want to get all the cards on the list but just the ones I found interesting for one reason or another (player I liked, only card for a foreign player, etc). I don't remember how many cards I had originally decided to get but by the time I left for Japan, there were 23 cards I was still looking for. Between Bits, Mint Hakata and Mint Odawara, I got all 23 of them. Here's eight of those, one card from pretty much every set I got cards from:
2016 BBM Fusion #GR24 |
2017 BBM Fusion #GR21 |
2018 BBM Fusion #GR19 |
The other set that I'm trying to complete is the 1999 BBM Mr. Giants set. This is a biographical set for Shigeo Nagashima but it includes cards of rival pitchers, teammates and players who he managed as well. I needed 56 cards - roughly half the set - and I came home with 47 of them (and Ryan has since picked up the other nine for me). I got most of these at Bits with a couple others at Quad Sports and Mint Hakata. Here's three of the cards:
1999 BBM Mr. Giants #G1 |
1999 BBM Mr. Giants #G43 |
1999 BBM Mr. Giants #G82 |
The 2012 BBM Fighters team set had a three card subset entitled "Kamagaya Rookies" that included cards of three rookies wearing Nippon-Ham's farm team uniforms. I've had two of the cards - Go Matsumoto and Takumi Ohshima - for a while but tracking down the last - Kensuke Kondoh - has been difficult. When I've seen it, it's been much more expensive that I was willing to pay. Luckily, Mint Hakata had it for a very reasonable price.
2012 BBM Fighters #F70 |
The final cards from my want list are ones that Ryan had picked up for me - the last three "Ceremonial First Pitch" cards I needed from the 2021 BBM Fusion set:
2021 BBM Fusion #FP47 |
2021 BBM Fusion #FP42 |
2021 BBM Fusion #FP35 |
The rest of the cards I'm going to show are just ones that I came across that appealed to me. First up are three "secret version" parallels from
the 2020 BBM 30th Anniversary set. What's interesting about these is instead of being a photo variant, they're "design variants" - they use the same photo as the original card but the card design mirrors the 1991 BBM design instead of the "regular" 30th Anniversary card design. I picked these up at Mint Urawa:
2020 BBM 30th Anniversary #124 "Secret Version" |
2020 BBM 30th Anniversary #158 "Secret Version" |
2020 BBM 30th Anniversary #180 "Secret Version" |
Back in 2008 and 2009, BBM issued small figurines of players with baseball cards. I think the figurines only came with the cards in 2009 and they only did them for a handful of the teams.
Deanna shared some photos with me and I did
a post about them way-back-when but I had never seen any in the wild until I was at Bits. Well, to be entirely accurate, I haven't seen the figurines in the wild but Bits had a couple of lose cards so I picked one up:
2009 BBM Dragons Figure Card #D-07 |
Hehe was scrolling a little too quickly and totally thought the Yakult Swallows logo was a Bazooka Bubble Gum logo.
I can see that happening
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