Sunday, June 30, 2024

Card Of The Week June 30

Masato Morishita had a pretty good night at the ballpark last Tuesday.  He threw a "Maddux" against the Swallows - a complete game shutout on under 100 pitches - as well as getting a "modasho" - three or more hits.  He actually had one more hit than he allowed the Swallows.  He was the first pitcher to do both in the same game since Kazuhisa Inao did it in 1968.

I would expect that this feat is going to be highlighted in BBM's Fusion set when it gets released in November.  If so, it'll be the third time Morishita's batting exploits will have been featured in that set.  The first time was in 2022 (card #14) for his game on April 9th when he had four RBIs (including a bases loaded triple).  His three run home run against the Baystars on June 28th last year put him in the 2023 Fusion set (#40).  Here are the two cards:

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